Latin America’s Largest VTuber Agency OWOZU “All Talents Left”?

Latin America's Largest VTuber Agency OWOZU "All Talents Leaved"?

We has Unconfirmed Information, Now been Confirmed that All Talents has Left from Latin America’s VTuber Agency OWOZU.

This information includes information whose authenticity has not yet been confirmed. We will update this article as soon as the facts are confirmed.

Latin America's Largest VTuber Agency OWOZU "All Talents Leaved"?
Image Credit: X (Twitter)
© OWOZU 2022.

What happened to Latin America’s Largest and Average Subscribers 2nd World Largest Agency?

OWOZU is the largest VTuber agencies from Latin America and Spanish-speaking countries, and as of April 9, 2023, has emerged as the 2nd largest VTuber agency in the world by YouTube average subscribers per talent (No.1 is hololive Production).

On the other hand, we have received some questions from you about the number of registrants for this agency, and we are currently discussing how to handle this matter in the future.

Furthermore, 3 new talents debuted on December 2, 2023.

According to information (with undetermined credentials) provided by Verri123 to the reddit VTuber community, OWOZU talent may have “All quit on the same day due to psychological and sexual harassment in the workplace“.

Spanish Speaking Vtuber Agency OWOZU currently under controversy over every single one of its members quitting in the same day due to workplace, psychological, and sexual harassment. (More info in comments)


OWOZU released the following statement on January 29. We are aware of the defection of the creators (which we assume means the talents) and our intention to continue discussions with them.

We understand that we are asking OWOZU for public details about the situation of the creators.
However, at their request, we have asked for private and direct communication on an individual basis.

OWOZU accepted the request of the creators, in less than 24 hours we have seen a repeated, public and notorious behavior contradictory to the request of most of them.

We continue to maintain conversations with them, we apologize to the public for this situation and we will give you news when the relevant deadline arrives.

Sincerely, OWOZU.

12 minutes after the aforementioned announcement, Rakkun made the following post (tweet).

Don’t be liars. The complaints of constant labor mistreatment towards all of us were always presented in a group way and you have insistently wanted to handle us individually when our complaint, I repeat, was always in a group.

You have not given us any signs of intentions of convenient and pertinent solutions, beyond copying and pasting messages as if you were bots.

Thank you very much for all the support to our dear community and colleagues.

Yours faithfully.
The girls of OWOZU

1 is a problem, 2 is a coincidence, 3 raises doubts… But 9…. WE CAN’T BE CRAZY.

Rakkun★┃OWOZU (@Raakkun)

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